
The crisis of the Middle East economy in 2050

 The Middle East region is one of the strategic areas of the world, due to geostrategic conditions, plays a significant role in shaping the world of tomorrow. It is essential to study this crisis area that plays a major role in the future economy of the World & Asia. The countries of the Middle East have tremendous changes since the advent of the human civilization till now, Colonization by European countries, the discovery of oil, the modernization of the eastern countries, the formation of a state of Israel like a cancer tumor in the Middle East, the Cold War, and finally the great global and regional games, have caused this region to always be in crisis. Today, the countries of the Middle East are in varying degrees; from complete peace to civil wars, from great economic power to below of the poverty line, from the highest population density to the lowest population density, from the center of the emergence of Judaism and Jesus to the center

Afghanistan as main bridge of energy, between Central Asia and South Asia in the near future

In the coming decades, Afghanistan will become an important point between the two newfound economies. A bridge between Central Asia and South Asia, which undoubtedly will brings transformation in the region. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization might add Afghanistan as a new member in their populations in the near future. China is trying to build new transport routes through Afghanistan by huge investments in important ports in Pakistan and Afghanistan. And it will be easier to trade with Central Asia, Iran, the Middle East and Europe, also China will effort in the near future, to supply its needed energy from Turkmenistan to China via Afghanistan, by oil and gas pipeline. Investing $ 500 million of India at the Chabahar port of Iran will enable India to exchange its trade products with Central Asian countries through Afghanistan in the future. If these countries are linked by railways, transit ways and pipe lines through Afghanistan, this country will rece

Lithium mine at worth of $ 1 trillion in Afghanistan, And country's economy depends on United States exploitation of Afghanistan's mines for future decades.

In April 2010, the US Department of Defense announced the discovery of a mine with lithium, iron, copper, cobalt, and gold worth $ 1 trillion in southern and eastern Afghanistan, which could have turned Afghanistan into one of the world's most important minerals country. The huge mine, which is rich of minerals, was discovered by a group of Pentagon officials and US geologists, who are said to be located in the southern and eastern part of the country, which is bordered by Pakistan. There are also large mines of iron, gold and cobalt beside that; it can turn Afghanistan into one of the major exporter of the minerals in the world. According to analysts, the amount of lithium in the mine is so high that it can turn Afghanistan into an economic dimension in the world, like Saudi Arabia, which has the largest reserves of oil. According to the report, Afghanistan lithium reserves are as large as the reserves of the Bolivia country, which currently has the