The crisis of the Middle East economy in 2050

 The Middle East region is one of the strategic areas of the world, due to geostrategic conditions, plays a significant role in shaping the world of tomorrow.

It is essential to study this crisis area that plays a major role in the future economy of the World & Asia.

The countries of the Middle East have tremendous changes since the advent of the human civilization till now,

Colonization by European countries, the discovery of oil, the modernization of the eastern countries, the formation of a state of Israel like a cancer tumor in the Middle East, the Cold War, and finally the great global and regional games, have caused this region to always be in crisis.

Today, the countries of the Middle East are in varying degrees; from complete peace to civil wars, from great economic power to below of the poverty line, from the highest population density to the lowest population density, from the center of the emergence of Judaism and Jesus to the center of the emergence of Islam.

The future of the Middle East economy looks very critical, water reducing, the end of oil era; population density, immigration, and most importantly regional and global wars are causing these crises.

1 - Water reduction.

For the accursed deserts of the Middle East, water is the most serious issue in the future.

The problem of water is so difficult, that other problems like poverty and wars seem smaller.

Today, politicians cannot improve their policy, while ignoring the environment and climate change.

Research has shown that the first Syria war sparks were due to massive drought and the influx of more than a million farmers into suburbs such as Homs and Damascus, Illegal settlements, poor infrastructure, widespread unemployment, and the government's lack of control, over a few years have devastated a civilization.

Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Lebanon, Bahrain, and Jordan are facing similar risks.

Unfortunately, no one of the Middle East countries has taken preventive measures because of water reduction.

Israel is the only country that has fought against Lack of fresh water; this country was close to losing only its water source in 2008 after a ten years drought, but now have fresh water, more than of needs.

Jordan and Israel are also running a $ 900 million joint fresh water project in the Red Sea area, which is intended to provide water for the two countries and Palestine.

Under the Oslo Accords of 1995, Israel provides water for the West strip, which Of course, the Palestinians receive much less water than they needs.

2 - The end of the oil era.

Over the past few years, oil prices have fallen to its lowest price, which has been a source of alarm for countries producing and exporting oil that has no other wealth without oil.

In Saudi Arabia, despite the abundance of oil, unemployment is one of the major challenges facing the country, it is possible that by the year 2030, Saudi Arabia's oil reserves will end, which this country is not prepared for this condition, This concern is not only for Saudi Arabia, but also for other Middle Eastern countries like the Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq.

Petroleum companies believe that by 2030, daily oil consumption will increase, from 89 million barrels per day to 104 million barrels per day, which is a completely false idea, Because the propagation of electric and solar vehicles, the propagation of the solar power system, the expansion of the nuclear energy system, the expansion of frugal engines, the production of solar planes, solar and gas ships, solar system trains and metros, which will cause decline the price of oil in the future years.

The countries of the Middle East, which have the biggest income from oil sales, will face to major economic problems, If oil prices drop or oil wells dry up.

3 – Population Density

Population density is another problem that the Middle East countries are faced it;   the region's population in 2013 was 394309000 people, which may reach more than 550,000,000 people by the year 2050, so housing shortage, water shortages, food shortages, shortages of agricultural lands, will cause into another crisis on the region.

In the underdeveloped countries, population density is causing poverty, and poverty is one of the factors contributing to the formation of terrorist groups such as ISIS, Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Unemployed and illiterate youth that are not aware of the world and from their own Islam, will soon be attracted to such terrorist groups for earning enough food and money, these young are thinking, which fight for defending of Islam, but they don't know they are led from non-Islamic sources.

If the rulers of these countries do not control the youth, it is possible that in the future there will be hundreds of terrorist groups in this area that will be worse than from Al-Qaeda, Taliban and ISIS.

4 – Immigration.

Climate change and poverty are two factors that will be bothersome in many parts of the world in the future.

Climate change causes the ice of the poles to melt, and the sea level rises, with rising water levels many countries of the world will go down under the water, Therefore, the people of this countries will emigrate, these emigrations will result to violence and poverty; these climate change and violence also will be a big problems for the Middle East countries.

At the moment, we are witnessing violent and difficult conditions in the Middle East that have led to a wave of immigration, Given these migrations from the Middle East and escaping the harsh and dangerous conditions, these countries will lose its elites and work forces, Which leads to a weakening of the economy of the region.

if the leaders of these countries don't pay attention to these conditions, the immigration problems will be a big problems for the middle east region.

5 - Regional and global wars.

After that Saddam Hussein gone away from power, Iraq seemed to turn into a quiet, democratic, economic and powerful country, but unfortunately, the interventions of Iran,  the United States, Britain, Saudi Arabia and Israel, turned this country into hell for Iraqis. Saddam Hussein's time was a thousand times better than from today.

In the future, there is no clear picture of this country, regional wars, world's great military powers war, religious wars and separatist wars can to keep this country for a lot of years in crisis.

After the Arab Spring, People were hoped that the Middle East would have democracy, peace, and economy. But the formation of the ISIS terrorist group by the United States, Britain and Israel did not changed people's dream to reality, and made the region worse.

The Middle East experts, after the analysis has come to the conclusion, that Israel and Iran may begin a major war next years, they say Iran has already stepped up its activities in the region, IRGC forces participate in the Syrian war, and Iran supports Hezbollah groups in Lebanon.

The Israeli army trapped Iranian drone aircraft on its territory, and then Israeli forces struck Iran's targets in Syria, In response Syria's air defenses forces, attacked to Israeli F-16 plane which crashed in Syria territory.

Iran's support from the Houthi forces in a war with Yemeni forces, which supported by Saudi Arabia and its allies, indicates that Iran and Saudi Arabia would facing to a direct war in the near future.

Iranian leaders want to begin war with Israel, for deceiving of Iran people, because these leaders want to make the people's minds distract from economic problems in these wars.


Today, the people of the Middle East are obligated to end the power of their inefficient leaders, or pray for god to grant merciful, faithful, and independent leaders for them; such as Saddam Hussein, Malik Faisal, Jamal Abdel Nasser, etc, to be people's leaders in the future, to get rid from the current leaders, which are the slaves of Britain, America and Israel, otherwise they will have sad life in the future.

The current traitor leaders spent the capital of the oil which belonged to the nation of the region for their livelihood, rest and power survival, and did nothing for the future economy.


With respect

Shir Mohammad Siddiqy



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